I haven't seen a case as crazy as this one since OJ Simpson. Casey the mother of little Caylee Anthony wasn't famous, but since 2008 when she was arrested she has continued to make news. Caylee Marie Anthony who disappeared in June 2008 and was subsequently discovered dead, attracting national attention. It was Casey's mom Cindy that first noticed that her grandchild was missing. I can still hear her 911 call, it was about the only thing in this case that didn't sound rehearsed. Cindy tells the 911 operator that she needs someone arrested for stealing her car and some money. In the same call she says that she has a 3 year old that has been missing for a month as well. You can hear the fear and anger in her voice. She continues to make matters worse for her daughter when she tells the operator that the car smells like there had been a dead body in it. Cindy did later revise her account, stating that the smell was from old, stale pizza. Police later determined, through forensic testing, that there was indeed the presence of a decomposing body in the trunk of that car. The 911 tape has been played numerous times on CNN, and is probably the only truth that exists in this case. So Casey gets arrested for stealing her mothers car. When Casey was asked about the whereabouts of Caylee, she stated the child was with a babysitter. This is when one lie after another was made by Casey Anthony. Zenaida "Zanny" Fernandez-Gonzalez was the name she gave of the nanny that apparently had her daughter. Interesting enough, Casey's family and friends had never heard of this nanny before. Personally that right there seems odd to me as both Caylee and Casey lived with her parents. Casey continued to make up crazy lies, she told police that she worked at Universal Studio's , It wasn't until the police and Casey were almost at the office of universal studio's that she stopped and said she didn't work there. What the hell was she thinking? The next slew of lies was some huge story that Zanny the nanny had taken Caylee and Casey had been investigating it on her own for the last month. This statement she made was probably the one that dug up the most dirt on Casey Anthony. Soon there were pictures, videos and a whole lot of so called friends that came out to show exactly what Casey was up to during her so called "SEARCH" for her missing toddler. CNN was all over this, there were pictures of Casey at bars and numerous parties, she was looking pretty happy and pretty free. Finally Caylee's remains were found in a bag, in a wooded are less than a half-mile from the Anthony home. Documents released to the public determined that duct tape was over the mouth area of the child's skull and stuck to the hair on either side, and that the duct tape had a small heart shaped area of residue on its surface indicating a heart shaped sticker had at one time been stuck on the surface of the duct tape. Interesting enough one of Casey's childhood friends admitting that when they were children and any of their pets died they would bury them with heart shaped stickers stuck to them. I will have to look it up but i think that same friend said they buried those pets in the wooded area that little Caylee was found. It would take me weeks to write everything that has surfaced from this case, things about chloroform searches on Casey's computer to chloroform being found in the car. The living hell that Casey's parents have been through ect. Sadly I can understand why Casey's parents are standing by her side, They have lost their beautiful grandchild and now their daughter. This isn't over by all means, I just hope that this case doesn't end the way the OJ case did. RIP Little Caylee, May the angels protect you.
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